Sam the Yogi

Sam and I just started a Yoga class with Deirdre and her precious daughter Evelyn.


The class is specifically for moms and their babies and it has been so much fun. There is one instructor and two or three helpers at each class. The helpers set up your station (mat, blankets, bricks, etc.) and even offer to rock your baby if he starts crying so that you can keep doing yoga.

Part of the class involves exercises for moms, although with babies in the mix, it is definitely not a very intense workout. Then the other part of the class has us giving our babies massages and helping them stretch. Sam got the hang of it right away.


Sam and Evelyn aren’t super interactive yet but we’re sure that some day they will be close friends. Here Sam and Evelyn show off a pose they call “Drooling Baby.”


My favorite part is in the beginning of the class when you lie down on the mat with your baby to relax and breathe. It is not super relaxing with many of the babies crying, but I just love snuggling up with Sam.


Towards the end of class, Sam starts to get cranky, so I put him in his car seat and he falls asleep (the yoga helpers usually help me get him into his seat and even rock him to sleep!). Then Deirdre and I enjoy a nice lunch out while the babies snooze.


9 thoughts on “Sam the Yogi

  1. Deirdre

    I love the picture of the two of them! I have to say my favorite part is lunch with the sleeping babies.

  2. Angela

    Hi Caitlin! I came across your blog on facebook. 🙂 Glad you had fun at yoga. Owen and I did Mommy n Me yoga when he was around 3 months, too. Like you, I loved snuggling up to him at the end. What a little cutie you have!

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