Happy three month birthday, Sam! There is no three month check up (doctor visits are now every other month) so I don’t have any measurements, but I can tell you a little bit about Sam’s daily life and favorite things.
*Obsessed, truly obsessed, with his hands. About a week ago, he started studiously staring at his hand as he drew it in very slowly to his mouth. The best part is that when he missed his mouth and hit his nose or chin instead, he didn’t just adjust up or down. He put his hand back out and started all over again from scratch. He is already getting better at it and now can just put his hand in his mouth without even looking. What a champ!
*Starting to make friends with Henry. Until recently Sam and Henry have had little interaction with each other. But lately, they have each started to take notice. I hope they will become best friends.
*Still loves his bouncy chair and mobile but now trying out the Bumbo. He does pretty well most of the time, but sometimes his head starts bobbing and won’t stop. And that inevitably leads to tears.
*Still sleeps swaddled. He sleeps so well when he is all tightly swaddled, but I know we need to give the swaddle up soon. What will we do?!!?
p.s. Sam has had two bad sleeping nights (up from 3 to 6 after being awoken by Henry on Sunday night and up at 5 on Monday night), so I have not yet kept my resolutions. But I have a good feeling about tonight! And we have been going out for walks…just later in the day.
AWWW. Happy 3-Month-Day to all of you! Sam is almost as long as Henry — amazing.