Daily Schedule

Here’s what our day looks like right now:

7:00 or 7:30 Sam wakes up and eats.

7:30 or 8:00 Sam gets dressed. Sam hangs out with Dad while Mom goes jogging with Henry.


9:00 or 9:30 Sam takes a nap. Mom straightens up.


10:30 Sam wakes up and eats.

11:00 Sam and Mom hang out. Sam sits in his bouncy chair or maybe has some tummy time, if we’re feeling optimistic.


12:30 Sam takes a nap (this may be on the road, if mom feels like going out to lunch with friends or going shopping).


2:30 Sam wakes up and eats.

3:00 Mom, Sam, and Henry go on a walk–sometimes with the Bjorn, sometimes with the BOB. Sam plays on his mat or has tummy time.



4:30 Sam takes a nap. Mom knits, watches TV, talks on the phone, gets dinner ready, or all of the above.

5:30 Sam wakes up and eats.

6:00 Family time. Hopefully Dad is home by now. We prepare dinner. Sam gets a bath every few nights, when we remember.


7:15 Dad and Sam go upstairs to get Sam ready for bed.

7:30 Sam eats.

8:00 Sam goes to bed. Mom and Dad eat dinner and relax.

10:00 or 10:30 Sam has his “dream feed” (eats without really waking up).

And if all goes according to plan, that’s it until the next morning!

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