Here’s what our day looks like right now:
7:00 or 7:30 Sam wakes up and eats.
7:30 or 8:00 Sam gets dressed. Sam hangs out with Dad while Mom goes jogging with Henry.
9:00 or 9:30 Sam takes a nap. Mom straightens up.
10:30 Sam wakes up and eats.
11:00 Sam and Mom hang out. Sam sits in his bouncy chair or maybe has some tummy time, if we’re feeling optimistic.
12:30 Sam takes a nap (this may be on the road, if mom feels like going out to lunch with friends or going shopping).
2:30 Sam wakes up and eats.
3:00 Mom, Sam, and Henry go on a walk–sometimes with the Bjorn, sometimes with the BOB. Sam plays on his mat or has tummy time.
4:30 Sam takes a nap. Mom knits, watches TV, talks on the phone, gets dinner ready, or all of the above.
5:30 Sam wakes up and eats.
6:00 Family time. Hopefully Dad is home by now. We prepare dinner. Sam gets a bath every few nights, when we remember.
7:15 Dad and Sam go upstairs to get Sam ready for bed.
7:30 Sam eats.
8:00 Sam goes to bed. Mom and Dad eat dinner and relax.
10:00 or 10:30 Sam has his “dream feed” (eats without really waking up).
And if all goes according to plan, that’s it until the next morning!
still adorable!! Is that the robe that Paula and Aaron gave him?
Wow…I wish I had my day planned out that well! 🙂