Wow! 11 months already. These months are really flying by now! Here is what Sam’s been doing this past month…
As many of you know, I recently decided to resign from teaching to stay home with Sam for at least another year. Unfortunately, I didn’t decide this until 10 days before the start of the school year. Since my school district requires 30 days’ notice, I went back to work for the first two weeks of the school year. It really wasn’t bad but it made me appreciate the fact that I am able to stay home with Sam full time!
We’ve finally gotten some cooler weather here! We’ve been taking full advantage by going to the park, having picnics, and taking long walks on these beautiful (or at least not unbearably hot) days. Sam loves crawling around in the grass and picking up whatever he can find to put in his mouth. He loves when the wind blows on his face and flutters his eyelids. He is a little more confident about standing up on his own in the grass.
We are getting good use of the baby gates these days as Sam is constantly on the move. He is a fast crawler and loves to get into the one thing he can find that he is not supposed to touch (mommy’s sunglasses, daddy’s blackberry, etc.). We have to be very careful to put EVERYTHING away (a place for everything and everything in its place!), especially our shoes. Sam loves to pick up our shoes and put them in his mouth. Disgusting!
Sam has just recently started getting a little bit bored with his toys. I guess that’s fair enough since he’s had most of them for about 7 months (a majority of his life!). He is generally very good at entertaining himself with whatever is around but I can tell he is very excited whenever he is introduced to a new toy. My grandparents just sent him his first puzzle and he loves it! He hasn’t quite figured out how to put the pieces back but he loves trying to eat them and banging them together.
Sam loves to imitate the sounds we make. It has turned into a fun little game. Ben will sing a tune and Sam tries to sing it back. The cutest is when Ben makes some sound that is too difficult and Sam just stares back. You can tell he is trying to think about how to do the funny new sound. I think he has started to say “meme” for milk. But it is hard to say if he is really trying to say “milk” or if he is just making a frustrated whine.
Sam has stood up on his own a couple of times and has even taken a few stumbling steps forward. I walk holding onto one of his hands and I can tell that he is barely holding on, but he lacks the confidence to go off on his own. Usually when I let go, he stops, looks at me, and sits down. It’s pretty cute. And occasionally, if he’s really on a roll, he will take a couple (like maybe one and a half) steps and then sit down. He loves to push his little car around the room and really gets up to a good cruising speed with that thing. I am sure he will be walking in the near future. Eeeek!
Sam seems to be ready to give up his morning nap. I can’t believe this is happening already! He usually wakes up at about 7:30 or 8 and then is almost never ready to go down for his morning nap by 10 or even 10:30. And if he naps much later than that, it starts to push our whole day back too late. So I have been putting him down for a nap at about 1 and he usually sleeps for 2-3 hours. I feel a little lost with his current schedule and I am never really sure what I am doing. Not a good place for a planner like me!
The other day I confided in my mom that I was concerned that Sam wasn’t clapping yet (I am a compulsive worrier, in case you didn’t already know that). She told me that it was not a big deal, of course, but that she would teach him when she was visiting. And she did! So now we have a darling little clapper. He loves to clap when he’s getting his diaper changed, which is nice encouragement. He also likes to clap while he’s eating. We are trying to see if he can do the sign for more (very similar to clapping) to indicate that he wants more food. But so far we’ve gotten inconsistent results.
We love you, Sam! Can’t wait until your first birthday!
What a wonderful, thorough update! Sam’s first year has gone by so fast!
Morning naps are great. afternoon naps are great. And I so rue the day when Ben, then later Rebecca, decided they had had enough of these lovely rests. Sigh.
I think the one nap transition is just as hard for us mommy! Aiden signs more, it really helps when we are out to eat because he can just sign instead of cry or whine. Now he signs more when he wants to read more books or play outside…lol Sam has stretched alot what a cutie!
Ethan gave up napping completely when he was 2:00. I still needed them, though!