
We have officially entered the “Why” Stage. Here is a part of our conversation on the way home from preschool today:

me: Tomorrow you have art class!

Sam: Why?

me: Because tomorrow is Wednesday and you have art class on Wednesdays.

Sam: Why is tomorrow Wednesday?

me: Because today is Tuesday and Wednesday comes after Tuesday.

Sam: Why does Wednesday come after Tuesday?

Me: I just don’t know.

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6 thoughts on “Why?

  1. Bec

    You could always have him ask Siri when you start to run out of answers… she’s pretty creative in her responses to me!

  2. Grandma Judi

    Then there’s the old reliable answer: “Just because.” He sure is taking that cupcake decorating seriously! Also, his curls are adorable.

  3. Great Aunt Kathy

    It might not be fabulous 4s but close enough. The answer to “WHY” is: “why do YOU think it is?”
    Then you will hear creativity.

  4. grandma Steph

    So fascinating. And the picture is adorable. I think cupcakes are serious business in the Miller household!

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