7 months!


Yikes! This has been a bad month for blogging!! It has just been really crazy, but I think things are calming down a little and I hope to get a few blog posts lined up. Anyway, here is Campbell’s 7 month update!


Campbell’s Stats:

  • We won’t go back to the doctor for a well visit until 9 months (!!) so I don’t know her height and weight but she seems very long and not super chubby. She looks like she is about ready to move from her bucket seat to the Britax!


  • Sleeping: Campbell is finally solidly sleeping through the night. She has been sleeping through the night on and off since about 3 months but it seemed like she never went one full week without waking up one time in the middle of the night. But now we have gone about 4 weeks, so I am hoping we’re done (of course now that I put it in print, she’ll probably wake up tonight!).


  • Schedule: Campbell nurses four times  a day (7:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.) and naps twice a day (10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.). She goes to bed for the night at 8. She now eats three solid meals a day too!



  • Sam and Campbell are sharing a room and now we are actually leaving Campbell in her room to sleep all night. (We had been moving her to the crib in the hallway at night so she didn’t wake Sam when she woke up). She still tends to wake up earlier than Sam, but he has gotten pretty good about going back to sleep after I come in and take her to our room to feed her.


  • We think Campbell has a mild milk allergy. At 6 months I started giving her yogurt for lunch, like I did with Sam. Then I noticed that her afternoon nap was going really poorly (crying, waking early, etc.) even though she naps like a champ in the morning. I decided that maybe it was the yogurt so I cut that out one day and she slept beautifully in the afternoon. I haven’t given her any since and she hasn’t had any more troubles with naps. I had also tried giving her formula a couple of times and she got a little pukey, but I’d just assumed it was because it was new. I am not going to give her any dairy for the next couple months and then try again. I have heard babies often outgrow this. Luckily, it seems to be a pretty mild reaction and I haven’t noticed her having any issues when I eat milk. I was kind of hoping to start switching over to formula, but I guess I will be breastfeeding a little longer!


  • Campbell is eating a lot these days. Her favorite foods are fruit and cereal. She is not a huge fan of my homemade cereals but loooooves that powdery stuff you mix with water! We’re going to start trying some finger foods soon–maybe Sam’s old (and current) favorite, tofu!


  • Campbell sits up well now, though I still usually put a pillow or blanket behind her because if she gets really excited and starts bouncing up and down, she will often take a spill!



  • Mobility: Not crawling yet, but she is definitely working at getting her big belly off the floor. She twists her legs all around trying to get closer to a toy. She can scoot herself backward, which of course is frustrating when she is trying to get a toy that is in front of her. And now that she can roll onto her belly and her back,  she can even roll to try to get a toy.


  • Social: She is definitely a social little girl and just looooves interacting with people and animals (well, mainly just Henry!). She often starts laughing when Sam is laughing, which is pretty cute. And she likes to make her sniffy face to get people to look at her.


  • She is generally very happy but gets upset a little more now. And it seems to be a more “hurt feelings” upset rather than just a baby cry. She’ll make a real pouty face first and then little tears start rolling down her cheeks. It is pretty cute (and sad).


  • Campbell is our little talker! She loves to say “ahbababa” and will say it back to you whenever you say it. She also squeals really loudly (just like big brother did) especially if you get distracted while spooning food! I have a few videos so I will post soon!


This is such a fun age! She is such a happy little girl and so fun to be around! I can’t wait to see what she’ll do next. We love you Campbell!

6 thoughts on “7 months!

  1. Nana

    She is the smiliest little baby I’ve ever seen!! What a little sweetheart! Can’t wait to see her and Sam and her mom and dad in just 2 weeks!

  2. Dinnie

    I have definitely missed the updates, but you have a right to be busy! Precious blog pictures and post. Thanks, Caitlin!

  3. Grandma Judi

    Okay, yes, that’s me disguised as Anonymous once again. Someday I’ll get the hang of this interweblog thing!

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