Campbell is 9 1/2 months old!

Oops. I am late posting Campbell’s monthly update, AGAIN! Anyhoo, this has been another fun and exciting month with our crazy little girl. Here are her updates!



  • Weight: 18lbs, 5 oz (50th %)


  • Height: 28.5″ (80th %)


  • This past month, Campbell has just kept on babbling! She now says mama to actually kind of mean mom, which is fun! It’s not like she is calling me by name (hey, mama!) but uses it more frequently in my presence and seems to associate it with me and milk. She also says dada (as mentioned in my last post), baba, yaya and some other more irregular sounds. I love how social she is becoming!
  • I should definitely be practicing sign language more with Campbell because she is ready! One night at dinner I tried to teach her the sign for more and she caught on right away and started using the sign and even saying “ma!” (more). But we are always rushing around so it’s hard to remember to practice the signs.
  • So I said in my last post that Campbell was almost crawling and I thought for sure by now that she would be a full-blown crawler, but she is pretty much at the same point she was at a month ago. She can get on all fours and move one knee forward, but then she just switches to an army crawl. That seems to work for her and she is pretty fast with it. But it does seem like she wants to figure out the crawling thing and she is definitely working at it. She is pretty talented, though, in getting from her belly to a sitting position and can even do a downward dog pose! She has pulled herself up onto furniture on her knees but not to a full standing position.




  • Campbell has been eating a lot more lately. She seems to be over her milk sensitivity so we have started feeding her cut up versions of what we are eating! If she doesn’t like something, she will dramatically spit it out so that it sprays everywhere. Feeding time is now a little more exciting. She can feed herself pretty well, but gets tired of doing that and still likes when we spoon-feed her.


  • Campbell loves making a little fart noise that sends Sam into hysterics. It is almost a Pavlovian response now, in that if she hears Sam laughing (even if he is on another floor), she will start making that fart noise.
  • She still knows all of her tricks. She loves clapping when we all clap and really likes to put her hands in the air when you ask, “how big is Campbell?” But her newest trick is peek-a-boo. She loves to play peek-a-boo and if you give her a napkin she will cover her face again and again. You have to go fast though: she doesn’t like to wait!

  • Campbell likes to stand up holding onto furniture (she can’t pull herself up yet) and pull off anything not nailed down to wherever she is standing. You definitely can’t leave her unsupervised though because she hasn’t yet learned that she can’t just let go!


  • Can’t remember if I ever wrote when Campbell got her teeth, but she has two bottom teeth that she got when she was 7 months old. And she is cutting one of her top teeth now (I am guessing it will be through by the next update)


We love you, sweet Campbell! You are wild and silly and crazy and adorable!


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