Christmas Countdown 2013 (part 2)

This year we are doing our Christmas Countdown again. So far we are having a great time and it’s fun being able to include both kids in more of the activities. I love this holiday tradition! Check here for part 1.

Day 13: Wrap Presents

Sam made a few salt dough ornaments to give to neighbors and friends, so today we wrapped them. He had fun taping the paper and sticking on the to/from labels.


 Day 14: Visit the White House Tree

The kids were fascinated by the toy trains at the base of the tree. So much so that we couldn’t get them to turn around for a picture!



Day 15: See Frozen

This was Sam’s first trip to the movies and it was a blast. Sam and I went to a morning matinee while Campbell and Daddy stayed home and had their own fun morning. I can’t wait till Campbell is old enough to sit through a movie and we can all go together!



Day 16: Christmas Crafts

I saw these on pinterest. Nothing to difficult, but a lot of fun!


Day 17: Christmas Cookies

I have the best butter cookie recipe (thanks Mrs. Bain!) and I love making them for Christmas. I took a pic of the recipe so you can make these too! (The secret is to get the dough pretty thin so they bake up nice and crisp!)








Day 18: Slimy Snow

The kids loved this one! I thought I was being so smart taking off Campbell’s shirt but then I went in the other room for a minute and Sam started shouting that Campbell was putting it in her hair. Ha! Here is the “recipe” we used.


Day 19: Hot Cocoa

We made some hot cocoa (the kids’ favorite) and drank it along with some of our yummy Christmas cookies.


Day 20: Snowball Fight

For this we scrunched up a bunch of paper into little balls. We divided into teams, set a timer for a minute and threw as many “snow balls” at each other as we could before the timer went off. Super fun. Thanks for the idea Kelly!

Day 21: Videos from Santa

We did these last year and they are great and free! The kids love them. Check out this site to make your own. This was a good short activity since we spent most of the day driving down to Georgia.

Day 22: Holiday Lights

The dads took the kids to a neighborhood near my sister’s house that always has an amazing light show. Campbell was a little tired so Nikki and I just drove around with her to see the lights at the neighbors’ houses.

Day 23: ??

Um. Well, I can’t remember what we did this day. We were thinking about going to the Botanical Gardens in Atlanta but it was sold out. We went to a playground by a small airport and I think that was what we told Sam the activity was that day. Playing with your cousins at a park where you can watch airplanes take off is pretty cool, right?

Day 24: Reindeer Food

We made a bag of reindeer food (oatmeal and glitter) and the kids sprinkled it on the front yard for Santa’s reindeer to eat that night.

Day 25: Christmas!



One thought on “Christmas Countdown 2013 (part 2)

  1. Grandma Judi

    Just too precious. Especially the expression on Sam’s face in the movie theater lobby! And the sibling moments looking at the train and drinking cocoa. So sweet.

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