Two and a Half!

Hey there! I bet you forgot I had a blog! Eeek! I can’t believe it has been over a month since my last post!! I didn’t mean for it to be so long but I was just so busy with Handmade By The Millers (my embroidery business) that I haven’t had time for much else. But Campbell is way overdue for her TWO and a HALF year old post (considering she’ll be three in just three more months!). So without further ado, here is what our little girl has been up to.


  • Weight and Height: Not sure of her weight but she is fairly slim. And as for height, she is TALL! She is taller than all of her friends! But she got mad the other day when we told her she was tall and insisted that no, she is little (explaining the concept of being “tall for your age” doesn’t really work with toddlers).


  • Eating: Campbell isn’t a picky eater in that there is nothing she refuses to eat (though she isn’t a fan of spicy). However, she doesn’t eat much at all. She just picks at all of her meals, occasionally devouring platefuls. I don’t worry because she never complains of being hungry!


  • Sleeping: We are still going very strong on naps. She almost always sleeps for 3 hours (1:30-4:30) and sometimes I have to wake her up! Of course, this also means that she likes to stay up talking to herself way past her 8:00 bedtime. Sometimes Sam will join in but there have been many times we’ve gone to check on them and Sam is passed out while Campbell is 5 feet away belting out some song or other silliness. She is still in her crib but we are thinking about moving her to a big girl bed when she turns three. We’ll see. I have a feeling she won’t be as good about staying in her bed as her older brother has been. But on the other hand, I also worry she’ll try to climb out of her crib.


  • Behavior: Campbell has definitely been acting like more of a two year old lately. For the most part she is still our happy and silly girl, but she definitely has been showing more attitude! We have even had to do a few timeouts for swatting at Sam or not listening. But when she isn’t being naughty, she is one of the sweetest little girls I have ever seen. She is very cuddly and loves to snuggle and give hugs. She is very silly and even downright weird–whatever it takes for a laugh.


  • Sibling relations: Sam and Campbell have so much fun together these days. They love to egg each other on and can get really wild. Lately Campbell has really been following Sam’s lead. If I ask them if they like a song, for example, Campbell waits to hear what Sam says first and then answers the same thing. Pretty cute!


We love you, love you, love you, sweet little girl!! It has been a great two and a half years!!

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