Campbell is 8 months old (and then some)!!

Eeek! This has been an especially busy past few weeks full of work and travel! So I am about 3 weeks late on this post. That makes writing this especially difficult because I am going to try to have Campbell’s stats accurately reflect what was true right when she turned 8 months (Oct. 6) but it is hard to remember because things are changing so quickly. So here goes!


Campbell’s stats:

  • Poor Campbell had her first real cold this month, which led to some grumpy days–a big change from her normal disposition.


(I love this pic of Campbell with her second cousin, Gray. He was so happy and she was just so, so tired!!)


  • Campbell has really been babbling a lot. She started with baba or aba but has since started saying mamamama. So I’m calling it, her first word is mama! (spoiler alert: she can say dada now too!)

  • Campbell is such a little monkey. She just lunges forward for anything that looks fun to grab and doesn’t seem very cautious (at least compared to her big brother at this age).


  • As a result of her strong motivation, Campbell is getting close to crawling. She hasn’t perfected the army craw yet (spoiler alert: she is now basically crawling as of 8 months, 3 weeks!) but she can kind of slither around and usually manages to get whatever she is after. If I leave her sitting down, she is pretty adept at lunging forward to transition onto her belly. She loves to kick one leg out to the side and then use that to pivot around in a circle. She can get up into a crawl position when she is on a soft surface.



  • Campbell is in such a fun, social stage right now. She looooves interacting with Sam and Henry (especially Sam) and smiles at almost anyone. Although lately she has been perfecting a little coy, shy thing where she tucks her head into my chest if someone new talks to her. It is so sweet.



  • This month Campbell and I went on our first airplane trip together for my cousin Joe’s wedding! She was a great little traveler, even though she caught a cold on the plane.



  • One super exciting recent development is that Campbell is finally getting a little more hair. Technically, she has enough hair to clip a bow, but it still looks a little silly. Luckily, she has plenty of headbands to fill in the gap!


(This is one of our favorite Campbell faces. Love that little half smile. Ben says it reminds him of me, my mom, and my Grandma Katie)


  • Campbell is now able to ride in the shopping cart without falling over. Well, I still have to buckle her in. But now if I ever have to go to the store with both kids, Campbell can ride up front and Sam can hang out in the main part of the cart. Pretty exciting for both of them.


We just love, love, love our sweet little Campbell girl to pieces!! I’ll be back in about a week with lots of updates.  This is such a busy time for development and it’s so much fun. And here are a couple more cute pics!




Today is Sam’s 3rd birthday and Campbell is 8 months old today, so I have some update posts coming, but I wanted to write a quick post about a picnic we had a week or two ago. It was a really pretty day, so I asked Sam if he wanted to eat outside and have a picnic. He was super excited about it. That day’s lunch was leftover mac and cheese, which is not ideal picnic food, but it worked out well since we were just having a picnic outside our front door.




Then our neighbor Beatrice and her mom came over and asked if they could join our picnic, which was even more fun!


And at some point, Sam got a hold of my phone and took about one hundred pictures like this:


Hopefully, we’ll have a few more nice days before winter comes so we can enjoy more of these spontaneous picnics!

Back to School!

Last Thursday was Sam and Campbell’s first day of school! Sam was at school last year, but this year we switched to a new school, and of course, this is Campbell’s first year of school. Part of our reason for switching schools was that the new school offers a Parent’s Day Out program for little little ones. So Sam goes Tuesday and Thursday and Campbell just goes Thursday. I was feeling a little guilty for starting Campbell in “school” so young but these next two semesters are going to be really busy for me (with grad school and HBTM) so I think the kid-free time will be very helpful! Drop off on the first day went really well and both kids seemed to enjoy themselves. The second day for Sam was rough, however. He really cried when I left and I felt so bad for him. But he seemed to have a good time and he was definitely happy to see me at pick up! The third day for Sam was today and he did great–no tears! Campbell had her second day today and it also went well, although she only napped for about 25 minutes, instead of her usual 90! But she’s getting in a good nap now. Here are a few pics from the first day!

Sam and Campbell on our front lawn:


Walking to school:


Campbell playing with her teacher:


Sam saying “cheese!” I swear, he was actually happy:


A special frozen yogurt date to celebrate a successful first day:



As we were checking out, I noticed this sign. Just for fun I asked Sam to guess how much the yogurt weighs (you pay by the ounce at this place). I said, “How many ounces do you think it is? Two, Three, Four, Five, Six?” He had no idea what I was asking him, but finally volunteered, “four.” Lo and behold, the yogurt weighed EXACTLY four ounces! Pretty hilarious and we got a free frozen yogurt! I guess he learned a lot on his first day of school!!


7 months!


Yikes! This has been a bad month for blogging!! It has just been really crazy, but I think things are calming down a little and I hope to get a few blog posts lined up. Anyway, here is Campbell’s 7 month update!


Campbell’s Stats:

  • We won’t go back to the doctor for a well visit until 9 months (!!) so I don’t know her height and weight but she seems very long and not super chubby. She looks like she is about ready to move from her bucket seat to the Britax!


  • Sleeping: Campbell is finally solidly sleeping through the night. She has been sleeping through the night on and off since about 3 months but it seemed like she never went one full week without waking up one time in the middle of the night. But now we have gone about 4 weeks, so I am hoping we’re done (of course now that I put it in print, she’ll probably wake up tonight!).


  • Schedule: Campbell nurses four times  a day (7:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.) and naps twice a day (10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.). She goes to bed for the night at 8. She now eats three solid meals a day too!



  • Sam and Campbell are sharing a room and now we are actually leaving Campbell in her room to sleep all night. (We had been moving her to the crib in the hallway at night so she didn’t wake Sam when she woke up). She still tends to wake up earlier than Sam, but he has gotten pretty good about going back to sleep after I come in and take her to our room to feed her.


  • We think Campbell has a mild milk allergy. At 6 months I started giving her yogurt for lunch, like I did with Sam. Then I noticed that her afternoon nap was going really poorly (crying, waking early, etc.) even though she naps like a champ in the morning. I decided that maybe it was the yogurt so I cut that out one day and she slept beautifully in the afternoon. I haven’t given her any since and she hasn’t had any more troubles with naps. I had also tried giving her formula a couple of times and she got a little pukey, but I’d just assumed it was because it was new. I am not going to give her any dairy for the next couple months and then try again. I have heard babies often outgrow this. Luckily, it seems to be a pretty mild reaction and I haven’t noticed her having any issues when I eat milk. I was kind of hoping to start switching over to formula, but I guess I will be breastfeeding a little longer!


  • Campbell is eating a lot these days. Her favorite foods are fruit and cereal. She is not a huge fan of my homemade cereals but loooooves that powdery stuff you mix with water! We’re going to start trying some finger foods soon–maybe Sam’s old (and current) favorite, tofu!


  • Campbell sits up well now, though I still usually put a pillow or blanket behind her because if she gets really excited and starts bouncing up and down, she will often take a spill!



  • Mobility: Not crawling yet, but she is definitely working at getting her big belly off the floor. She twists her legs all around trying to get closer to a toy. She can scoot herself backward, which of course is frustrating when she is trying to get a toy that is in front of her. And now that she can roll onto her belly and her back,  she can even roll to try to get a toy.


  • Social: She is definitely a social little girl and just looooves interacting with people and animals (well, mainly just Henry!). She often starts laughing when Sam is laughing, which is pretty cute. And she likes to make her sniffy face to get people to look at her.


  • She is generally very happy but gets upset a little more now. And it seems to be a more “hurt feelings” upset rather than just a baby cry. She’ll make a real pouty face first and then little tears start rolling down her cheeks. It is pretty cute (and sad).


  • Campbell is our little talker! She loves to say “ahbababa” and will say it back to you whenever you say it. She also squeals really loudly (just like big brother did) especially if you get distracted while spooning food! I have a few videos so I will post soon!


This is such a fun age! She is such a happy little girl and so fun to be around! I can’t wait to see what she’ll do next. We love you Campbell!

Happy Half Birthday to Campbell!

Campbell is 6 months old!! I can’t believe we’re already to the halfway mark of her first year!! (Well, past the halfway mark– sorry I am a little late with this post.) Campbell is such a joy to have around. Everyone remarks on how easygoing she is and it is really true! We are all so happy to have her in our little family. We love you happy girl!


  • weight: 15 lbs, 11 oz (50th%–my dainty girl!)


  • height: 27.25″ (90th%-future basketball star?)


  • Campbell’s newest trick is rolling onto her tummy. She almost exclusively does it in her crib, which is a little scary since babies are supposed to sleep on their backs (to reduce SIDS). Technically she can turn herself back over but she isn’t very good at it– she always gets her arms in the way–and has been crying  a lot more at nap time. We have been doing tummy time around the clock in hopes that she will get better at going from tummy to back.


  • Campbell is sitting up now, though she still flops over pretty easily.




  • Naps: Campbell is down to two naps/day! She has one from 10-11:30 and one from 2:30-4:30.


  • Bedtime: Her night routine has changed about a dozen times this month. The basics are the same: she eats at 7:30, goes to bed at 8, and wakes up between 7 and 8 the next morning. Because she was waking Sam up too early (he really needs to sleep until at least 8 to wake up happy), we started pulling Campbell out of Sam’s room and putting her in a travel crib in the hallway at around 11 when we went to bed. That meant doing a dream feed because moving her woke her up. But now I am able to move her without waking her up so we have dropped the dream feed (yay!). She has done great–sleeping for about 11-12 hours with no waking–most of the time. However, she hasn’t really learned to self soothe so if she is awoken too early, she isn’t able to put herself back to sleep. Hoping that happens soon, but she doesn’t suck her thumb or take a paci. We are trying to get her attached to a lovey!


  • Campbell has a new really funny face. I call it her squishy face because she squishes her face up and breathes loudly through her nose. It is so cute. She often does it in an effort to get attention from us or strangers. (I have a lot of pics of this face because I love it so much!)




  • Her other attention-getting move is shrieking at the top of her lungs. She is just like Sam at this age!


  • Campbell has graduated from the bouncy chair to the Jumperoo! She loves jumping in that thing! She really likes the little toys and has recently discovered how to bounce in it.


  • Our baby is a great little eater! We started solids shortly after her 5 month birthday. She took to the cereals right away and has gotten really into fruits and veggies too. She definitely has a preference for sweet foods (just like Daddy!). So far she’s had brown rice, oatmeal, and mixed cereals, sweet potatoes, apple sauce, bananas, avocados, green beans, plums, and baby mum mums (rice rusk crackers).



Oh, Campbell!! We love you so, so much!

Summer Travels: Cape May

Every year we go to the beach for one week with Ben’s family. The first year we went to Cape May, NJ, then a couple of years to Rehoboth, DE, and last year to the Outer Banks, NC. This year we decided to go back to Cape May. It was perfect. We had a crazy storm the night before we left that knocked out our power (some of our neighbors didn’t get their power back for a week!) so we packed in the dark and got our of our AC-less house as fast as we could.

If you’ve never been, Cape May is an adorable little town on the Jersey shore. Actually, it is the southern most tip of NJ so they sometimes refer to it as Exit 0.


This year, our house was so cute and right within walking distance to the town. The town has lots of little cute shops and restaurants. Really fun to walk around. Our house was so cute, it even had a little bunny in the front yard!


The east coast is having a very hot summer so it was a HOT week. We only got down to the beach a couple of times because it was too hot to sit in the sun. But we did have fun on the days we went!

Sam playing in the sand


Campbell and her Daddy


Love those little footprints. The boy they belong to couldn’t stay put for a photo!


Grandma Judi and Sam


Campbell and her feet


Campbell and Mommy


Beach blanket beauty


Sam and Mommy


Campbell and Auntie Becca, hat twins


While we were there, we went on a skimmer ride through the marsh to see all the wildlife in the area. It was pretty cool for all ages!

Sam and Grandpa Char


Sam on the skimmer


I’m pretty sure he had his eyes closed


Sam and Grandpa Char


Sam and Grandma Judi


Campbell and Grandpa Char


We celebrated the 4th of July with music in the park and the best fireworks I’ve seen in a while.

Listening to the band


Wow! Look at that! (Sam found the fireworks a little scary–too loud!)



Grandpa Char, Grandma Judi, and Auntie Becca took such good care of our kids, we just spent a lot of time hanging out on the couch and reading. It was lovely.


Thanks again Judi and Char. We had a great time!!











Foodie Kids

When we were in Austin, we went to the coolest little shop! Foodie Kids is owned by my mom’s neighbor.

They sell lots of cool things for cooking with kids.


And have little tea sets to play with while you wait!


They have walk-in cooking activities for kids. First you have to decorate your apron.


Then you pick what you want to make. Sam picked sweet breadsticks.


The dough was green! How cool.


The teacher was AMAZING. Sam loved her!

Sam got to sprinkle on cinnamon and sugar and then frost them when they were done cooking.




I so wish they had one of these in the DC area. I would go all the time!! It was so fun and it only cost about $8!

Summer Travels: Texas

In June our whole family of 4 traveled to Austin for a wedding. Our friends Adam and Shira got married at a beautiful lake resort outside of the city. Ben’s parents and sister came in town for the event too. We had a lovely time at the wedding and visiting with Ben’s family. Then we went and stayed with my mom for a few days before flying back home.

The flight out was surprisingly easy. Sam stayed occupied the whole time with movies on the laptop and Campbell slept like the baby she is.




We all spent the night in the same room at the resort! Yikes! But we made it work by sticking Campbell in the closet.


Grandpa Char and Campbell enjoying brunch.


Campbell chilling in the hotel.


The night of the wedding. Absolutely beautiful!


Of course we went to Amy’s!



We even squeezed in a trip to visit my friend Ellie and her precious family. Sam loved playing with Claire’s toys, even the pink tea set!


Bye-bye Nana! See you soon!



End of school activities

I’m sorry. I have been such a bad blogger lately! But now that summer is nearly over, I am here to post a few pics from the end of the school year. Sam’s preschool has an annual end-of-year picnic which was a lot of fun. We brought our own food and the school provided a traveling petting zoo and a moon bounce! Sam has always been too afraid to go in the moon bounce before, but this time he went in and had a blast!

Not Campbell’s best picture, but it’s nearly impossible to get them in the same frame!


Sam with the animals






Then on the second to last day of school, they had an end-of-year assembly. Poor Sam just cried and cried on the stage so Ben went up and stood with him. For the final song, when all kids were on the stage, Sam did fine sitting up with his class but he didn’t sing along at all!! Haha. In fact, none of the kids in his class did. But I know they knew the words because I heard them practicing in class!

Cute preschoolers


Sam surveying the scene before he goes up on stage


Such a cute performance!
